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H-2 1960-61
This was a turbulent era for H-2. It saw the 667th AC&W Squadron almost be deactivated and then in an emergency move suddenly come back to life at a new location and it was all because of the severe weather of the North Atlantic.
H-3 received a secret deactivation order in July 1960 and was almost completely shut down in by 1961 with only a few last people overseeing the final closing BUT then a severe windstorm hit H-2, then the home of the 667th in January 1961. The 100 MPH + winds destroyed the inflatable radome and damaged the antenna beyond repair. It was decided to close H-2 and in an emergency move most of the 667th personnel were transferred to H-3 with a small number remaining at H-2 to oversee the closing of the site
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