H-1 1968 to the end of H-1 Rockville
The 932 AC&W Squadron had a long period at the H-1, Rockville site. It went operational in late 1953 and continued till its final closing of H-1 in 1997. In 1987 the 932nd Sq. received a new name. It was now known as the 932nd Air Defense Squadron but its mission of controlling aircraft operations and directing intercepts of unidentified aircraft entering the area remained the same. It continued under the ADS designation until 1993. At that time it received yet another new designation. It now was known as the 932nd Air Control Squadron. Yet, once again, its mission remained the same as when it first arrived in Iceland. In 1997 the squadron was relocated to new facilities on the main base at Keflavik ending the 44 year history of Rockville.
2002 marked the 50th anniversey of the USAF Radar sites in Iceland and a number of veterans from those earlier years traveled back the the Land of Fire and Ice to attend a 50th Reunion and Anniversery party at Keflavik. They were warmly greeted by the men and women stationed there.
In June of 2006 the 932nd ACS at Keflavik was officially deactivated which brought a close to the US Radar Sites history in Iceland. Several of our members attended a celebration of the 50th anniversary of US Radar site and the official closing and deactivation of the last remaining USAF radar squadron in Iceland and brought us back the pictures showing the last transmission and closing celebration.