We have received word that Don Parson died died on September 11, 2022. Here is a link to his Obituary. He served at H-1 in 76-77.
We have just received word that Francis "Chuck" Larkin died died on January 30, 2022. Here is a link to his Obituary. He served at H-1 in 71-72.
We have just received word that William McCalla died on September 8th, the day before our reunion started. Here is a link to his Obituary. He served at H-1 in 1954
The first day of our reunion has, unfortunately, brought us info on some new names to be added to our "Taps" page.
Andy F. Holzinger Obituary Died May 26, 2022
Lt Col Douglas Harper Obituary Died July 24, 2022
Victor Martinez Jr. Obituary Died November 29, 2020
Baesler Obituary November 6, 2019
Michael Faulkner Obituary December 10 1994
We are sorry to report the passing of our long-time and very active member, Jerry Wayne May. Jerry was our membership chairman and provided great assistance in the planning and operational activity for many of our reunions. He died June 17, 2022 at his home. He will be missed by all of us here at USRSI.
Jerry May's Obituary is available HERE.
With the continuing project of updating of members records several additions are added to the List of Deceased Members.
This gave us the opportunity to include obituaries for several members. Those deceased members, where an obituary could be located, now have a link attached to their Last Name. By clicking on that last name you can download that member's obituary. There are only a small number of such entries because of the lack of information for most deceased members. Please note that this is a work in progress and occasional errors may take place. These errors will be corrected, and the list expanded as additional information becomes available.