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Links to Web Sites with additional information about U.S. & Iceland history

Here is a collection of links to other web sites that can provide additional information regarding the United States and Iceland's interaction from the WW II period up to the end of U.S. military involvement with Iceland

Note:  Clicking on these links will take you off the USRSI Web Site.

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667th AC&W Sq. 1967-68


Welcome to a site dedicated to the Airmen who served the United States by defending the far flung frontiers of Freedom in the far north


NATO & Iceland


The history of Iceland joining NATO in 1949

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Unknown Airman's  Memories


A small web site by an unknown airman once stationed at H-3

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AFNS Raw Film Footage H-3


I stumbled across this video of H-3 on the National Archives website.  It’s raw video footage which may have been intended for an “Armed Forces Network” show.  Some nice aerial shots of H-3 at around the 16 minute mark.

Radar Station, Hofn, Iceland (

Lee Corbin

(USN C-117 crew chief, 75-76)

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Squadron of F-51=D's at Keflavik


192d Fighter-Bomber Squadron, North American F-51D-25-NA Mustang, lineup at Keflavik AFB, Iceland

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57th FIS

The early history of the 57th Fighter (Interceptor)   The Black Knights of Keflavik (originally the Black Knights of the Aroostook).

By Baldur Sveinsson 




This site is dedicated to the thousands of U.S. Air Force 'Cold Warriors" who served, mostly without recognition fr
World War II, 1941 to the present day.

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Iceland in WW II


The history of Iceland's involvement in World War II

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Current Iceland Radar Sites and other attractions in Iceland


A quick pictorial tour of the current Radar sites and other attractions in Iceland


Keflavik Air Base History

1954 Keflavik Film


A video from Bob Hirshberg, an AF Veterinarian stationed at Keflavik in 1954 showing what life was like at that remote post. 

This video is no longer available.

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The Icelandic Coast Guard now operates the four radar sites which were formerly part of the USAF network. The ICG is also responsible for many other services including rescue and security and defense.

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